Accessible programs and information about accessible software(s)

US Department of Education
- This site offers information on all aspects of Education and the Public vocational Rehabilitation Program and Services, Program grants and funding opportunities, Student financial assistance, and Job opportunities in the Federal Workforce, and much much more

Federal Legislation & News - Find, read, print up bills, read the Congressional Record, and also obtain information on your Senators and Congressional Representatives. 
Ticket to work program - You want to go back to work and you need the latest information on this program and the legislation or regulations, or rules this is the place to check out first. It is all here.
The Best list of Non-Profit organizations - This is a Global listing of Organizations and Associations that provide the widest array of services you have ever seen. Including professional services for Non-Profits as well. 

Lions Clubs International - A great organization doing great work, especially on the behalf of the Blind and Visually Impaired 

 American Foundation for the Blind - An organization dedicated to serve the Blind and Visually Impaired. To bring awareness of issues of the blind to the general public. 

NJ STATE LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND AND HANDICAPPED - The library offers many wonderful services for the blind and the handicapped. 

SHARE THE TECHNOLOGY - An organization that connects computer donors with non-profit organizations offering to help those in need. 

VOLUNTEER MATCH - This site lists hundreds of individuals, groups, and organizations that are either looking for or to volunteer services 

NJ CBVI Vocational Rehabilitation - This site tell what the NJCBVI (NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired) has to offer in Vocational Rehabilitation.

PREVENTING BLINDNESS - The only statewide organization dedicated to the prevention of blindness. 

Accessible programs - Accessible programs and information about accessible software(s).

Housing & Mortgages for People with Disabilities  - a comprehensive guide to housing and mortgages for
people with disabilities. It's located and it also covers terminology, the process
of buying a house, financial assistance and more.

Refinance and mortgages guide for people with disabilities - A Guide for people with disablities for refinaning and mortgages.

FHA Loan - Discusses eligibility requirements, provide a chart of FHA financing limits based on type of property, and more. 

Elderly Care Resources - Guides to help the elderly and their families fully understand the cost of long term care and the programs that can provide financial support.