Housing and United Services, Inc. is a not for profit 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization that serves and advocates for people who are blind in New Jersey. Our organization is operated by highly qualified volunteers who themselves are blind or visually impaired. Our governing body, our board of directors is made up of eight people, six of whom are Lions from Lions MD sixteen - New Jersey, and further five of whom are blind or visually impaired. It is these types of experiences that our board uses to guide our business side of the house as well as developing truly meaningful programs and services that improve the quality of life for people who are blind.

Our services and programs are uniquely designed to meet the needs of people today and in the future. Housing and United Services is incorporated with a general purpose therefore, giving us the unique flexibility to change our services and programs as the kindness of society, culture, style of living, and people needs change. Many other organizations are comprised by a narrow scope of focus for a single service or program at the time of their creation and thus in time out-lives it need. This will not happen with HUS because we can and will change as explained above.

Housing and United Services became a Lions District 16 B Approved Project in 1995. In May of 2001 at the Lions Multiple District 16 New Jersey state Convention in Egg harbor Housing and United Services was designated a Multiple District 16 Approved Project by a near unanimous vote.

Housing and United Services is available for individual Club programs or for District Cabinet meeting, or District Sight meetings, contact us to make arrangements.

Project Reports

Articles Published in State Lions Newspaper

Lions Annual Appeal Letter

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HUS Annual 501(c)(3) Report

Clients served, & Funds Raised